
09/18/2008 09:33

The trees found in this biome are mostly all deciduous. Deciduous trees absorb plenty of sunlight throughout the summer, and by winter, their leaves are gone. They begin to “withdraw some of their chemical contents” (Allaby XVI) and stop providing others. From these changes, the colors of the leaves start to change. Rather than being green and lively, they begin to change to reds, oranges, yellows, and eventually brown. This is when the season turns to fall, or autumn. The leaves fall off of the trees at a later time. By this time, it is winter. During the winter the trees remain naked and bare. But, once the temperature starts to return to a warmer state, the plants on the ground floor are able to flourish in the sunlight and get a quick start to grow. Soon after, though, the trees begin to get their first buds of leaves that turn to the broad-leaves they lost in the fall. The leaves continue to grow in the spring, and by summer they are full size. At this point, the leaves are grown and gathering sunlight. The trees provide for others and thrive. A little while late, though, the trees change again, and the whole cycle starts all over (Allaby XVI-XVII).

